
Mehrzad Nicholas GhadiriByNicholas Ghadiri

AEIP Newcomers Virtual Fair

6 November 2020
LIVE: 6am – 1pm PST

Register HERE

Mehrzad Nicholas GhadiriByNicholas Ghadiri

Understanding Credit Reports and Scores

 Equifax Canada is hosting a webinar Understanding Credit Reports and Scores.

Feel free to register and share this information with your clients and networks.

When: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Mehrzad Nicholas GhadiriByNicholas Ghadiri

IEN’s challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic

疫情下當局加速認證海外註冊護士 — Sep 16, 2020 (ON)

新冠疫情令前線醫護人員人手持續緊張, 加上省府宣布調派500名護士到各學校協助防疫工作, 令護士人手更見不足. 究竟在疫情下, 省府或監管當局有否放寬或加速吸納持有海外資歷的註冊護士, 以解燃眉之急呢? 專訪協助海外受訓護士獲取本地專業資格的國際受訓護士中心行政總監李濃歡博士。

Mehrzad Nicholas GhadiriByNicholas Ghadiri

Plan your Canadian Business from Abroad

Entrepreneurship Connections® Pre-Arrival (ECP) is a free program that helps you explore entrepreneurship in Canada while making connections with business experts and other potential entrepreneurs. You will have opportunities to connect with on-theground entrepreneurship supports wherever you end up settling in Canada. If you’d like to explore how you could use your experience and education to start your own business, we are ready to support you.

Mehrzad Nicholas GhadiriByNicholas Ghadiri

After many challenges, a nurse from India became an RPN in Canada

For ten years, Trupti worked as a nurse in India. After moving to Canada in 2012, Trupti realized that she could not find a job without a license. She was not sure what to do. At CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses, they explained how nursing worked in Canada and guided her through the steps she needed to take. Since Trupti could not afford to pay for the additional courses she needed to complete, a loan from Windmill Microlending gave her the support she required. In 2016, Trupti received her RPN license, and, within a month, she landed her first job as a Registered Practical Nurse in Ontario. Read her success story.

Mehrzad Nicholas GhadiriByNicholas Ghadiri

CARE center presents a FREE LinkedIN Workshop

The traditional methods of managing the job search and moving ahead in an organization are becoming less applicable to today’s society. The most successful workers are those who understand how to leverage their skills and qualifications through effective networking. This free online workshop, will explore various networking tools, with a focus on LinkedIn’s capacity to boost your professional visibility.