Case Management

Case Management

The PASS Program assists internationally educated nurses before they arrive in Canada, offering supports and services designed to shorten the time that they spend upon arrival to professional registration and employment. PASS offers one-to-one virtual case management, tailored to individuals’ unique circumstances.  After registration with PASS, members gain immediate access to the PASS Program Coordinator for individual consultation and guidance via GoTo Meeting, Skype and/or email.  The Program Coordinator develops action plans with each IEN to help them reach their settlement and licensure goals.  Information and referrals to targeted agencies, including regulatory bodies, professional associations and community organizations in destination provinces, are facilitated so each participant can transition into post-arrival supports.

CARE Centre’s case management model consists of six parts:

  • Online Programming
  • NNAS/OIIQ Application
  • Regulatory Bodies  
  • Settlement Supports
  • CNA Mentorship
  • Employment Referral

To get more information about the PASS Program please click HERE.


Transferable Skills for Pre-Registration Employment

Wednesday, December 4th 9:00 AM EST

Networking Skills for Nurses to Canada

Friday, December 6th 9:00 AM EST

Canadian Workplace Culture

Wednesday, December 11th 9:00 AM EST

Employment Law and Standards

Friday, December 13th 9:00 AM EST